A Bag of Pills?


I attend a very small high school in a small, Midwest town. In our little town there was a doctor that was very old school. When you went to see him, regardless of the problem, you walked out with bag of pills.

I always thought those pills were just sugar. It was not uncommon to get a shot too, but that was reserved for the more complex issues. One of those shots seems to have made me immune to Poison ivy. That is a different story.

I am not complaining about his methods, but this ‘bag of pills’ is typical of how the medical system seems to work. It is certainly how ‘the system’ seems to deals with obesity, blood pressure, and most metabolic illness.

I had some issue with my blood pressure a few years ago. The neurologist, to his credit, talked to me about unprocessed foods, but never explained why a life style change could resolve my issues. Instead, he prescribed a statin and two blood pressure medications.

The fact is, those pills did lower my blood pressure. I lost a little weight, but did not commit to the lifestyle change that was needed. I could not sustain it, and gained the back all the weight I lost, and them some more.

About four years later, when faced with a elevated A1C (6.5) and high glucose (140), I took action and resolved the root cause.

I am sure I had insulinemia, but my family doctor never checked that. Most doctors don’t. The constant intake of processed foods, high levels of carbs and a lot of sugar resulted in insulin resistance. I was killing myself. My joints hurt, I was borderline type 2 diabetic, and I was not healthy.

No pills were required to fix my issues. It was a lifestyle change. You don’t need a pill to revolve your metobolic issues. Our health care system promotes a ‘a bag of pills’ and its not all the doctors fault.

Today, joint pains are all gone, I’m down over 75 pounds, and hope to sustain this for many years. How? #Keto. It works, and I am always full. I love the dense, nutritious food too.

Wake up and own your health!

~ Rick

For a bonus, give a listen to The Low Carb MD Podcast .. they discuss this issue in the eposode.

*Check out my vlog, which includes more of my photography and videography: [tales.photos (on YouTube)](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCFQDGQDunrIlKumTDIMUKwg). Remember to like, comment and subscribe!*

*My photo blog can be found at [tales.photos](https://www.tales.photos/).\*

*©2019 Rick Cartwright*