The Cost of my Messy Desk ...

Have you ever thought about the cost of disorganization? Seriously, have you ever considered the cost to look for that misplaced document, deal with all of those useless emails, and handle endless interruptions? The reality is that the cost to your business is significant. More importantly, you can do something about it. 

That was the message at the New Media Dayton meet-up on Saturday afternoon. I was very impressed by Lori Firsdon and Barbara Warner of Encore Speaks!. The material was top quality! Being organized builds a sense of control, and improved productivity. It sure made me think about the 'stuff' I keep that I don't really need. I mean, if that pile of magazines was to disapear, would I miss it?

So, what does it cost your business? If your employees annual salary is $40,000, an hour of nonproductive (email, interruptions, searching for lost 'stuff', etc), cost your business about $5,000 each year. An hour a day ... that happens all the time.

One of my goals out of this meeting is to remove some of the clutter in my life. I have magazines that I have still not been able to move to my Kindle. Sometimes I get behind on my reading. When this happens, they begin to pile up. The question from the meeting was, "What happens if they were to go away? I plan to toss them .. in the trash if I have not read them in a week. Seriously, at that point it is old news. Of course, there is other clutter .. I need to deal with all of it.

I recommend Encore Speaks!. No, I am not getting a kickback for this recommendation. I recognize value and believe this material can be of benefit to most of us.
