More on Apple Watch Fall Detection

I am not going to repeat the entire story, but I did want to post the quote Munich Fire Department Report:

Her watch was equipped with a fall detection system and alerted the emergency services after the fall. A dispatcher in the control center accepted the emergency call. He heard a Watch announcement telling him that a person had fallen heavily. The Watch also transmitted the coordinates of the scene of the accident.

The police used the data to identify an address, and an ambulance was sent. The ambulance crew found that the door was locked and the retiree could not open it. Then they called for the fire department, which opened the apartment door by force.

The smartwatch also alerted the woman’s son, whose phone number was registered in the Watch as an emergency number.

Read the article here: Apple Watch fall detection sent emergency services to the aid of an 80-year-old woman

I wrote about this feature a few months ago. I am a big believer in this functionality and know it will save lives.

~ Rick

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Rick Cartwright